
Illo Friday ::: Lonely


On July 10, 2012 I finished my 8th and last round of chemotherapy.

As much as I was glad to be done I felt so alone at the end of it. 

I had support throughout the entire three and a half months of treatment but it was still a very solitary experience. By the end of it I didn't really know what to do with myself. I felt very much sad and lonely. 

The only way to really explain it is by analogy... and I have shared my story since being diagnosed with breast cancer on my blog. It's kinda like therapy. Breast cancer isn't easy to deal with. And it seems especially unfair when you are only in your twenties.


Unknown said...

very sad illo...
I hope you feel better soon!

pauline said...

what a fabulous illustration at such a difficult time in your life... i feel for you. i LOVE the angle you chose for this. Just beautiful. Thank you for sharing and have faith that things will be ok. ((hugs)) to you. xox

Anonymous said...

This is a fantastic image.
I'm sorry to hear about your health.
I wish you all the best.

I'm always with you said...

What an incredible perspective Ashley!!! It's like an out of body experience seeing yourself from this position. What courage and energy it took to bring this digital rendering to life! You've tapped into something for your self health and wellness. Pursue with positive confidence. The rest will flow like water... And Dew... rest.
with love mum

k.h.whitaker said...

Wow, great image and a thought provoking post. I just have no adequate words. It is unfair and a difficult thing to deal with at any age. Now that you are finished with Chemo, your healing can begin.

Elizabeth Struk said...

This piece really hit home.
My 4 year old is an oncology patient as well.
I sometimes wonder how he and I will feel when he is done with chemo.

josh pincus is crying said...

awesome. a true feeling of "lonely",

Sarah Melling said...

Somehow, you managed to make a "lonely" illustration look quite beautiful as well! Congratulations on getting through your chemo! Now you can get back to everyday life, and producing more beautiful pieces!